MatchRX, as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Register today and join a network of over 7,000 independent pharmacies.


How It Works

1. Seller Posts Overstock Inventory

Sellers can post non-controlled, non-expired overstock drugs for other independent pharmacies to purchase for a specific patient need. Simply add the NDC and set your price.

A buyer on MatchRX can search all NDCs on the online pharmacy marketplace to fill a patient script.

2. Buyer Places Order to Fill a Script

Buyers can find and sort medications by drug name, NDC, WAC discount, quantity, expiration date, and more. Once the order is placed, the seller receives a notification via email and/or text.

The seller confirms the order on the MatchRX online pharmaceutical marketplace and ships out the overstock medication to another independent pharmacy that placed the order for a specific patient need..

3. Seller Confirms Order and Ships 

Upon notification of a sale, the seller logs into MatchRX, confirms all items are available, prints the packing slip, prepaid shipping label, and promptly ships the order via FedEX.

Try It For Yourself!

Contact us today to start buying and selling your overstock amongst thousands of Independent Pharmacies.